Association of the Gaming Industry in Bulgaria (AGIB)
Association of the Gaming Industry in Bulgaria (AGIB) is the new name of the Bulgarian Trade Association of Manufacturers and Operators in the Gaming Industry (BTAMOGI), which is the first association in the country bringing together companies from the gaming industry.
Over the years, AGIB has initiated many activities, including the annual Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE) and the East European Gaming Summit (EEGS), the specialized publication GAME SPECTRUM, seminars and sessions for professional qualification - EEGS MASTER CLASS, as well as a number of other local and international events aimed at raising professionalism in the industry and promoting the Bulgarian gaming industry.
The activity of AGIB is dedicated to the interests of its members, as well as to maintaining good institutional relations. With their extensive experience in the field of the legislative framework and thanks to their detailed knowledge of the gaming industry in Bulgaria, the experts of the Association are involved in all processes that concern the sector.
Our objectives
The main objectives of AGIB are:
The Association develops and submits proposals, analyses and expert opinions to the competent state authorities on the existing regulations as well as on new draft regulations in the field of the gaming industry.
It seeks their assistance for clarifications and opinions on the application of regulations, guidelines, decisions, rules and established practices on the application of the legislation.
The Association organises symposia, seminars, conferences, courses, exhibitions and other initiatives to discuss issues concerning the gaming industry and to exchange information and enhance the professional qualifications of its members.
It works to establish and maintain a Code of Professional Ethics and Practice in the gaming industry.
The governing bodies of the Association are:
- The General Meeting
Chairman of the General Meeting - Natalia Baevska
- The Management Board
Chairman of the Management Board of AGIB - Angel Iribozov
Members of the Management Board of AGIB
Rossi McKee
Milena Tsankarska
The General Meeting of Members is the supreme body of the Association. All regular members or their proxies participate in it.
The Management Board is elected by the General Meeting of the Association.

Chairman of the Management Board

Member of the Management Board

Member of the Management Board

Chairman of the General Meeting
non-profit organization.
at the exhibition and conference
a new charge for development
AGIB was founded in 1992 as an independent, voluntary, non-profit organization that brings together Bulgarian and foreign individuals and legal entities active in the field of gaming equipment manufacturing or operating gambling facilities and related activities. The Association is the main branch organisation protecting the interests of its members. It is its responsibility to actively participate in any changes that concern the legislation regulating the gaming industry in Bulgaria.
The Association has been an active participant in the discussions regarding the Bulgarian Law on Gambling, which was adopted on June 4, 1999. Many of the proposals made by the Association were included in the Law on Gambling and the Ordinance on the conditions and procedures for issuing permits for the organization of gambling games preceding it. The Association has set itself a large number of objectives related to increasing the popularity and prestige of the gaming industry, protecting the interests of its members and protecting the public interest. Some of the main activities of the Association include: working to implement uniform standards in the gaming industry and their harmonization with international standards; providing assistance in improving the legal framework in Bulgaria and abroad; regulating public relations related to the gaming industry; providing support for campaigns to work with problem gamblers by participation in the organizing and sponsoring educational and medical programmes; special courses and other relevant initiatives.
In order to acquaint the global audience with the advantages and unique aspects of the Balkan region, revealing its huge potential for the development of the gaming and entertainment business, in 2008, on the initiative of AGIB, the first Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo /BEGE/ and the East European Gaming Industry Summit /EEGS/ were launched. Another initiative of the Association is the publication Game Spectrum, which is the only magazine with a focus on the gaming and entertainment industry in the Balkan Peninsula and presents expert information on the latest events and innovations in the industry
In these 30 years since its establishment, the Association has become the leader of the manufacturers of the gaming industry. It has gained the power and confidence to express an opinion on behalf of its members, thus improving the conditions of the Bulgarian market in terms of its expansion, the legislative framework and the creation of partner relationships both during BEGE and at exhibitions outside Bulgaria.